Conversation Church will kick off our fall worship series, I've Been Meaning to Ask ... This special worship event on Sunday, September 8, will give everyone the chance to dive into scripture about God's love for us and God's call that we befriend each other (John 15:9-17), and then put that love into practice. Below is the detailed plan for the service. If you have questions, or want to help out that day, please email Pastor Marietta at [email protected] or call her, 360 876 5094.
*This is the only time during this series we will hold this type of worship service. The other four Sundays (Sept 15, 22, 29 and Oct. 6) will be Spirit of Life's regular worship service format.* CONVERSATION CHURCH GATHERING (Chairs will be arranged in a larger outer circle and a smaller inner circle. People will be encouraged to sit across from each other. As people enter and find their seats, make sure each participant has the printed scripture and a pen, and that two prayer cards (either index cards or Post-it notes) are placed under each chair. Welcome participants to the space, Invite people to introduce themselves to the person sitting directly across from them. Invite them to share their names, how long they’ve been involved at church, and what super power they would choose for themselves.) CALL TO WORSHIP To begin this hour of worship together, we will start with a kinesthetic call to worship. I invite you to close your eyes. Take a deep breath in, and release it. First, I invite you to pay attention to touch. What do you feel? Feel your feet on the ground. Feel the earth supporting you. Thank it for holding you up. Feel the softness of the clothes on your body. Thank them for protecting you from the elements. Feel the chair behind your back. Thank it for providing you a place to belong. Now I invite you to transition to sound. What do you hear? Listen for the sound of the breeze. Listen for the sound of the wind in the trees. Listen for the sound of your heartbeat. Listen for the sound of the rustles that come with community. Let all of these sounds remind you that God is in this space, and that we are not alone. Now I invite you to open your eyes. What do you see? Look around this space. Notice who is here. Pay attention to the elements that make this space unique—Communion, a candle, the blue sky above us. Make eye contact with a neighbor. Now breathe in and breathe out. Repeat after me: This space is holy. This space is special. God is here. We are open to possibility. MUSIC Help Us Accept Each Other PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION Jesus, you asked questions as much as you answered them. You never shied away from conversation. You were always sparking curiosity, opening people’s minds, and engaging in the art of connection with everyone around you. As we come to your Word and as we approach one another today, give us the same curiosity, openness, and connection. We are here. We are listening. Amen. SCRIPTURE Invite participants to grab their printed scripture and pen, as they will be prompted to doodle and annotate the text as it’s read aloud three times. Three different worship leaders read the scripture aloud. A reading from John, the 15th chapter, verses 9 through 17. 9 “As the Father loved me, I too have loved you. Abide in my love. 10 If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love. 11 I have said these things to you so that my joy will be in you and your joy will be complete. 12 This is my commandment: love each other just as I have loved you. 13 No one has greater love than to give up one’s life for one’s friends. 14 You are my friends if you do what I command you. 15 I don’t call you servants any longer, because servants don’t know what their master is doing. Instead, I call you friends, because everything I heard from my Father I have made known to you. 16 You didn’t choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you could go and produce fruit and so that your fruit could last. As a result, whatever you ask the Father in my name, he will give you. 17 I give you these commandments so that you can love each other.” First read-through: As you hear God’s Word, underline the words or phrases that stand out to you. Second read-through: This time, circle the words or phrases that stand out to you. You might find yourself circling new words, or some of the same words from our first reading. Final read-through say: This time, doodle around the edges of the scripture or write questions and phrases in the margins. Make notes. CONVERSATION AND CONNECTION Having heard and meditated upon scripture, we are now going to engage in a time of conversation and connection. Instead of a formal sermon, we'll spend the next 30 minutes getting to know one another better, proclaiming the good news of the gospel through conversation and listening. Our hope is that by the end of the service, you will have gained a new friend, learned something new about someone, or found a new connection. We will guide you through the process, so simply follow along, and remain open. We invite you to engage in conversation with the person sitting directly across from you. Throughout our time, we will shift the inner and outer circles around, allowing you to meet different people. You can take your scripture passage paper with you when you move. Conversation round 1 (6 mins) Participants will begin their first round of conversation with the person sitting directly across from them (they introduced themselves at the beginning of the service). Prompt 1: What or who feels most like home to you? Why? Conversation round 2 (6 mins) Invite the inner circle to stand and move two chairs to their right to find a new conversation partner. When they sit, prompt them to introduce themselves and share their favorite road trip snack. Prompt 2: What is something you have learned about yourself in the past year? Conversation round 3 (6 mins) Invite the outer circle to stand and move three chairs to their left to find a new conversation partner. When they sit, prompt them to introduce themselves and share if they are a morning person or a night owl. Prompt 3: Share a key moment in your faith journey. How did that moment shape what you believe today? Conversation round 4 (6 mins) Invite the inner circle to stand and move two seats to their right to find a new conversation partner. When they sit, prompt them to introduce themselves and share their favorite summer activity. Prompt 4: Share a memory related to food—a family recipe, a baking ritual, or a time of breaking bread with loved ones. REFLECTION AND PRAYER WALL (Invite participants to reflect and pray. Play the song, Will the Circle Be Unbroken, while people reflect. ) We invite you into a time of prayer and reflection. Reach under your chair and grab the index cards and a pen. As music plays, write a response to the following prompts on your prayer cards: Prayer card 1—What made you feel connected in your conversation? Prayer card 2—What is something you learned about yourself or a partner? Once you have written your responses, please come add your prayer cards to our prayer wall. WELCOME NEW MEMBERS MUSIC A Covenant of Grace SENDING Family of faith, as you leave this place, may God grant you the curiosity to counter assumptions, the vulnerability to befriend, the bravery to speak your truth, the wisdom to listen, the strength to ask for help, the resiliency to chose love, even when it’s hard, And the awareness of the Holy Spirit always beside you. In the name of the Great Connector—Love itself, Go in peace. Love each other. Thanks be to God
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